Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Almost all of our 2009 summer films have been posted to our youtube page!
to get there, simply go to and type in "ylightscameraaction" and there you will be!
Quick Draw at High Noon is not up due to music copyright issues..sigh...and Ghoul School is not *yet* up because I wanted to edit the sound a little bit more now that I have time to do so! I'll update when it's ready!! Thanks everyone!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Amazing DVD

Just so you all know, the DVD that Robert put together of our movies is SO AWESOME.
It has bloopers and slideshows and MORE. I don't want to give everything away.
If you did not receive your Lights!Camera!Action! 2009 DVD, you can pick one up at the ymca childcare office downtown!
108 State Ave NW # 209
Olympia, WA 98501-8249
(360) 705-2642

I am excited for you all to see it!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

We did it!!!

Thank you to everyone for making premiere night an AMAZING SUCCESS!!!!
We got SO MANY compliments on how awesome the kids and movies were.
We are very proud of our Lights!Camera!Action crew!!!
We had such a great summer of making movies together.

Reminders about CAMP BISHOP!
- Children attending the overnight to camp bishop will meet at LP BROWN on Monday morning and will be leaving at 9am. They will be dropped off on Tuesday at ROOSEVELT at about 3pm.

-Children NOT attending the overnight trip will go to ROOSEVELT ALL OF Monday and Tuesday.

- Camp will resume normally for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at LP BROWN.

(kids who are attending camp bishop all week for resident camp ((you know who you are)) will meet at michael t. simmons elementary on monday morning...but we are assuming you knew that already.)


Thank you again. It was an amazing premiere night. Dare I say our best yet.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


The newsletter will be posted soon...but we wanted to remind everyone that tomorrow, Monday, August 9th we will be visiting Arts Alive! camp at Roosevelt Elementary School and that you will need to bring your child to our camp by 10am! The bus leaves at 10:30!

OH and also, Arts Alive! will be coming to our camp on Friday August 14th (premiere night day) and we are BBQing, so if anyone would like to donate hotdogs or chips or a drink of some kind that would be awesome.

Aaaaand if anyone has any folding tables we could borrow for our premiere night that would be awesome too.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Caveman Doctor!

Special Effects Makeup workshop! We "wounded" the kids and then had them make up what happened to them!


Hello everyone! As we begin our third to last week of Lights!Camera!Action! we have a few reminders! (some that we will keep reminding you of until they happen :)

1. PREMIERE NIGHT is August 14th at 6:30 PM in the LP BROWN gym! We will be viewing all of our summer movies in style! There will be a red carpet, amazing decorations and delicious refreshments! We are asking that everyone please "dress up" that can mean whatever you want, from black tie to some amazingly crazy costume...just something that you wouldn't normally wear every day, as our premiere night is a special occassion!! We hope that everyone can attend! BRING ALL OF YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS!

2. The week of August 17-21 is our last week of camp. On Monday, August 17th, our camp will be going up to spend the night at Camp Bishop with 2 other Y-Camps. We will be back on Tuesday the 18th. It is free, and we hope that everyone can go. We will be sleeping in cabins and swimming in the lake and enjoying delicious food and a magical evening campfire. If you are not sending your child, you will be taking them to ROOSEVELT ELEMENTARY school (we'll have directions if you need them) for that Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will resume as normal at our usual LP BROWN. 

3. We love your kids, they have been working hard and making awesome movies. Check back all this week for new video clips and pictures! 

(The newsletter for this week of august 3-7 is posted below this post)